
Comments (28)

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i cant download in game jolt client

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*sigh* This game deserves more attention its so good and classic

This is fucking epic. better than normal DF.

Cool mod!


DONTFORGET Gamejolt Page:

DONTFORGET Gamejolt Community:


DONTFORGET Discord server:

GameMaker Server:


DONTFORGET REFLECTED is a mod that aims to improve how the Classic version of the game looks by updating the sprites, and adding minor quality-of-life updates in order to make the game better reflect its modern counterpart.

If you need assistance or for some reason absolutely cannot get the mod to work, please ensure you have read the instructions file included with the download, and follow its instructions. If you're still unable to get it to work, join my unofficial Discord server here: for help.

The mod only includes DF Classic Multiplayer, other games from RickyG's Forgotten Collection are NOT included.

While the online functionality for Classic is still working, you are not allowed to change the games code without explicit permission. You CAN however change sprites, Room layouts, music and small bits of dialog. If you need a more specific description of what you may or may not change, ask RickyG.

(If you choose to play online mode, be sure to check out the rules! They DO differ from DF CONNECTED's rules, so keep that in mind!)


Toby Fox: Undertale


Shader_Zxa: Coder

@HighFlyer : Coder

Anonymous: Old rainbow save point replication assistance

@Chastox : Omori gang AFK Sprites

@Salmosquid : Chara Tposing Sprite

@acer197 : Old custom Lucas Sprite assistance

scoutness: Custom Earthbound poses

mozmathetical: Assistance finding Omori sound files

#fangame #undertale #deltarune #gaster #online #multiplayer #Dontforget #rpg #bullethell #mmo #mmorpg

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Comical Shenanigans

4.4.2 Changelog
Added some stuff from the new devlog to the how to play menu, just a minor visual change.
I might try to get the skin menu looking like the 2.7 one as well but no promises.

So I got some good news and bad news.
I found out why the weird visual effect happens with the warp menu!
The bad news? I can't attempt to fix it since its part of the code.
so unless Ricky says otherwise, it'll stay like that until GMS shuts down.

4.4.1 Changelog
Fixed the frisk sprite i forgot to realign.
Fixed Chara and Swap sans's sprites to be properly aligned better as well (I didn't miss any sprites this time lol)
Updated the puzzle tutorial to use the updated sprites.

4.4.0 Changelog
Massive updates to the puzzle creator.
Updated the Inventory menus with sprites from the 2.7 devlog and 1 of my own.
worked on aligning frisk's sprites with their collision a bit better.

Sup gamers, i'm working on a puzzle creator update and was thinking about switching that void snowdin theme to regular snowdin. either way, it'll get at least a minor graphics change. so heres a poll.

  7 votes Voting finished

4.3.1 Changelog
Fixed the logo on the main screen that was missing a few pixels
Changed the name that referred to me on the main screen to the one of my genocide account.

4.3.0 Changelog
Updated the pre ending start menu images.
Updated that kid in Grillby's with the purple shirt (I forgot his name)
Altered the damage font so that weird transparent visual effect should be gone.

4.2.0 Changelog (gonna make a new post for each update)
Updated the surface grass and path tiles.
Added some extra detail on the surface houses.
Changed literally 4 tiles at the end of snowdin.

4.1.0 changelog
Updated Grillbys again.
Changed dialog on save points.
Fixed the battle buttons being different on the papyrus boss for some reason.
Minor and probably unnoticeable undernet tweak involving the deltarune border.
Ralsei chuffin a fat one.

A pretty huge snowdin update is planned, I'd say i'm about 55% done. It should be out this week or next week hopefully
(status: finished)