Game Community
FNAJNZ And Fnap Community
51 Members

Comments (23)

What do you think?

Little rewiew.
I like the game, I really like how in the first night all the new animatronic gets active making the game less boring and yet they all have their unique way to enter your office.

I don't call it a "FNaF 2 reskin" because it has something unique among other reskin of FNaF 2. Maybe literally how the animatronics works and other things like that. So yeah, I'm enjoying this game!

But, there are still things that got me saying meh. Like, the office has really small details if not at all. The drawings are still passable, but they're not the best one I've seen, but what matters in a game is the gameplay over graphics, and this game has a very cool gameplay, trust me.

Overall tho, this game is very cool. I died on night 3 at 7:48 am because of a weird animatronic XD.

hi, big thx for the game. greetings from rosti 😊


Noite 6 completada

Conseguiu ser mais irritante que o próprio fnaf 2 💀

parece LESGAL.

#fangame #fnaf #horror

Voice Actors/Dubladores (Portuguese/English):

Withered Junior Nazo: Me

Toy Junior nazo: Me /@FoxboySaga

Withered Bane: @witheredtoysonicthehedgehog

Bane hand puppet: @Ashura_BR /@FoxboySaga

Withered Ashura: @Ashura_BR /@FoxboySaga

Toy Ashura: @Ashura_BR /@FoxboySaga

Alex: (ja tem dublador)/TheMasterDude

Balloon Star: @gilberto100200

Mild Cartoon Violence
Animated Bloodshed

a versão final chegou!!!/the final version has arrived!!!

vagas de dublagem restantes/remaining dubbing slots

ei pessoal, hoje estou com uma noticia incrivel pra vcs. Vocês poderam dublar um personagens que estão com vaga dispónivel!

Hey guys, today I have incredible news for you. You will be able to voice a character who has a vacancy available!