
Comments (10)

What do you think?

It was a solid experience overall. It had a lot of charm and I think it shows a lot of promise for a game. The world felt full and I think the art was all well done. Dialogue was witty, funny, and endearing. There some minor faults such as some songs being a bit bland and a few grammatical errors, but if you're looking for a short RPGMaker game to fill that RPGMaker sized hole in your heart, pick this one up for a short and pleasant experience

I really really like the graphics

This game is absolutely BONKERS. Being an fps gamer obviously gives heavy bias to what games I do and don't play, but this one stood out SO much. An RPG game catching my attention is super rare, so this was a promising one. HYADES is possibly one of the most entertaining and well made games I've played in my whole life. Possibly one of the furry games I'd rank high. Solid game, solid story line, amazing art and characters, and just overall a solid game! I love it so much. I'm so glad I found this game and decided to give it a try. (Credit goes to 'bacchusdiem" for sharing this game and allowing me to find it and play it for myself. I haven't played a new game in years and this is such a refresher.) 10/10. Wouldn't have it any other way uwu <3

This is sad but I can't seem to find the power plant! Can someone point me in the right direction

I'm sorry to say but this game didn't grab my attention or even slightly interest me. I have to admit I only got up to the part just after the power plant scene, but I just couldnā€™t bring myself to sit through the rest. It felt like a chore to play.

To start off, please do not open a game with a narrator that explains what happens in the first 5 seconds of the game. Itā€™s pointless and serves no purpose. You could cut that out and nothing would change since the events will happen regardless. Second, almost none of the characters interest me. I like Graham since he seems to have something going for him, trying to raise his younger brother, but the rest are dull. Thereā€™s no depth or personality to them other than their initial introduction. Marsh is a bland well-meaning kid. Anise is rude. Ruth isā€¦ also rude.

Objectives were unclear and the map was confusing to navigate. Donā€™t segment a large city into tiny little portions because it gets hard to navigate. I understand RPG Maker has tileset limit, but the map size should be large enough to hold an entire city. Look into parallel mapping or at least increase the size of each segment of the city. Put up some signposts that say ā€œconvenience store this wayā€ or maybe even an option in the menu to bring up what the last objective was because itā€™s very easy to accidentally skip over text and I had to check each segment and talk to everyone to try and work out what I was supposed to do. Also at least make battles challenging. There was no encounter I couldnā€™t solve by just holding down the ā€œattackā€ button. I understand itā€™s early game but at least entice me to use all these sparkly skills you have, because spamming attack is just faster and easier.

I donā€™t want to comment on the assets too much since you claim itā€™s still in development and itā€™s clear youā€™re not very experienced. But please get rid of the power plant music. Itā€™s horrid. It made a very short dungeon feel longer than itā€™s supposed to because itā€™s just a constant droning.

Itā€™s as if you played Undertale or Earthbound and thought ā€œI could do thatā€ without taking the time to understand why they worked and only copied the surface elements. Main character is a young boy with healing powers? Check. Enemies are visual representative of puns or nontraditional designs? Check. Constant ā€˜quirkyā€™ meta comments when interacting with objects? Check.

You constantly lampshade references to these games with comments like ā€œChildren getting powers from a crater? What a silly idea.ā€ But you donā€™t do anything with it. You donā€™t try to expand on the idea or change it. You just comment on goofy things other games have done while imitating them. Youā€™re trying to be everything other than yourself. The game has no identity other than ā€œideas other people have hadā€. Even the school looks suspiciously similar to the one in Deltarune.

Stop trying to be the next Undertale or whatever. Be yourself.

Also please do something about Charles. I donā€™t care what it is. Change him, delete him. He looks like a fat fetish character and heā€™s just creepy.

NOTE: This is the game's PROLOGUE and is currently IN DEVELOPMENT! Assets/contents may changed/updated over time, thank you for understanding.

HYADES is an in-development RPG about a group of friends exploring a vast urban city in order to save everything they've ever known.


Join Ruth and Anise on a sleepover with Marsh at HYADES: Celestial Buddies Volume 1!


  • Meet all sorts of out-of-this-world animal folk!

  • Explore a vast metropolis set in the modern age of 200X!

  • Adapt to the constant ebb-and-flow of battle by changing your stats and abilities using SIGNS!

  • Utilize interstellar cosmic powers gifted from beyond!

  • Uncover a massive city-wide conspiracy littered with secrets and corruption, leading to the forever shifted balance of society with consequences you have no hope of understanding until too late!

  • Grab an ice cream at Shifty's! If you ask nicely, he'll even make it look like you!


  • Marsh:
    Age: 13
    Hometown: Hyades
    Favorite Thing: Street hockey

He might be a little anxious at first, but this kid's chipper attitude and tender heart tends to rub off on people. He's just an ordinary kid at the end of the day, but he still always tries to shoot for the stars.

  • Anise:
    Age: 14
    Current residence: Hors D'Oeuvres Boarding School
    Favorite Thing: Quiet places

Focused if a bit austere, Anise is confident she'll take anything life throws at her by the horns. She might get a little too extreme at times, but just bear with her; she means well, and tackles what lies ahead of her with everything she's got.

  • Charles:
    Age: Older than you
    Current residence: Thatā€™s a little personal, donā€™t you think?
    Favorite Thing: Microwave meals

Reliable and laid-back, thatā€™s what Charles needs to be. Heā€™s been in this city for a good long while now, and while he canā€™t use the same fancy techniques these kids can, this big catā€™s still got some tools up his sleeves.

  • Ruth:
    Age: 16
    Current residence: West Hyades
    Favorite thing: the Fuchsia Foxes baseball team

Ruth hails from one of the most notorious parts of Hyades, giving her a rougher edge than most. But if you can get her to lower her guard, sheā€™ll be a dedicated ally with agility and attack power to boot.

  • Graham:
    Age: 20
    Current residence: A lonely little apartment
    Favorite thing: Family time

Ever since Dad left and Mom disappeared, it's been tough raising a younger sibling all on your lonesome stuck with a dead-end job and nasty back pains. Despite this however, Graham still sets out every day to try and give Marsh the best life possible, even if it means cutting a few corners for himself.


  • Explore the colorful and vibrant city of Hyades, set in the year 200X!

  • Battles! Adjust your strategies and abilities as need be, turning the tide of battle in your favor!



Fellow Mac users! If you encounter a message that looks something like this...


Move your HYADES folder to the desktop, or somewhere OUT OF YOUR DOWNLOADS FOLDER! The Applications folder works as well!

The reason why this happens is that the Mac has a fail save to make sure downloaded files can't automatically write potentially malicious things onto your computer! So the Mac likes to make downloaded files have "Read-Only" permissions. Since HYADES is trying toĀ writeĀ new information (your save data), the game gets confused! As far as some players have reported, simply moving the game out of the downloads folder or manually changing the permissions allows the game to save. In my experience, moving the game directlyĀ out of the folder it came inĀ into the Application folder works. Of course, if this DOESN't work, please feel free to contact me!


Don't worry, there's a very simple fix - just move your mouse! HYADES is actually playable with a mouse as well, and the mouse takes priority over keyboard in battle when selecting an enemy! All you need to do is move your mouse past where an enemy is and control from the keyboard should take priority again.

WARNING: HYADES does feature some flashing colors and repeating moving images.

Individuals with photosensitivity and epilepsy may experience a seizure when exposed to certain visual images, and may experience symptoms like dizziness, altered vision, lightheadedness, andĀ disorientation.

If you experience any of these symptoms when playing HYADES, immediately quit playing and consult a physician before resuming gameplay.

Disclaimer: Lag may occur when playing the browser build of HYADES!

HYADES is now playable in browser! However, some users have noted that when playing the game, some visual assets and audio assets may take a bit longer to load, and may pop in during gameplay. If you're encountering these errors, some methods to relieve them are:

  • Close the tab the game is running on (be sure to save your progress!), and open it again! This helps assets you've encountered before to load in faster, and may help new assets load in faster as well!

  • Leave the game running for a few minutes! Users have reported that as play progressed, the game began to run smoother as time went on! When in doubt, leave the game sitting for a few minutes to hopefully help it settle in.

Note; the downloadable version of HYADES does not have these issues.


As a (formerly! I love my team so much! <3) solo independent developer, it takes a slow and steady pace in order to make the best game for you all to enjoy. I just wanted to say thank you all for your patience, and that the game will be continuously updated as development continues. Characters, the world, game mechanics and more may all get changed, updated, or even removed as time and development goes on. This is currently only the game's PROLOGUE, but more chapters to the story are in development. Thank you for your patience and support.


In case you wanted high quality images, screenshots, and information about the development of HYADES, check out our press kit at:


Email: [email protected]

Thanks for visiting this little game's page, and remember:
Despite your circumstances, do your best. It is all you can do.

#rpg #indie #rpgmaker #demo #furry

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Alcohol Reference
Tobacco Reference
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans

Happy #screenshotsaturday! This week for HYADES, here's a little preview of what you can do with all the fish you've been catching!

For the right catch and price, make a meal to bolster yourself in battle or give to someone else!

#rpgmaker #hyadesrpg

Happy #screenshotsaturday!! We've been making some progress on mapping in HYADES, check it out!

Hidden alleyways and secrets for you to explore... and who's the dude blocking the alleyway? Better go around... #rpgmaker #hyadesrpg

Happy #screenshotsaturday! We've been working hard on our fishing mini game, check out all that progress from late time! Animation, fish sprites, timing, and more! I wonder how much sea life Hyades has to offer...

#pixelart #rpgmaker #hyadesrpg

Hello, and happy #screenshotsaturday!

This time for HYADES, we're taking a sneak peek at a battle background for the beach!

Inspired by the sands and waves of the beach, be careful not to get swept away in it! #rpgmaker #hyadesrpg

Happy #screenshotsaturday!! While it's a little rough around the edges, I've been working on a little fishing minigame for HYADES!

Take a break from the hustle of the streets by casting your rod, who knows what you might catch!

#hyadesrpg #rpgmaker

Happy #screenshotsaturday! This time for HYADES, here's a little sneak peek at an area joining West and South Hyades - the Docks!

Just look at how cute these little boats are!

#rpgmaker #hyadesrpg

Happy #screenshotsaturday!!

In HYADES, your party leader will change depending on who's turf you're in! Every party member in HYADES has a unique look on things, so get out there and explore the world!

#rpgmaker #hyadesrpg

Finally, press kits are available for high quality character art, screenshots, and more!

HYADES Press Kit:

HYADES: Celestial Buddies Volume 1 Press Kit:ā€¦

Thank you so much for all the support!

The soundtrack for both HYADES and HYADES Celestial Buddies is now available too!

HYADES Official Demo Soundtrack:Āā€¦

HYADES Celestial Buddies Volume 1 Soundtrack:Āā€¦

There's a new build available to play RIGHT NOW! It's got quality of life changes, updates to cutscenes, and more!

Available on Windows, Mac, Linux, and in browser!!

The full changelog will go up soon!