
Comments (18)

What do you think?

i'm guessing this was inspired by "DayShift At Freddy's"

stop copying ffds you fat green b1tch

why is fredbar there

I'mma try to do something

Please let the cancel be put as a postpone

Is this like Dave miller industries

Why hello! This game is based off DirectDoggos Game "Dayshifts At Freddys" it just takes you to a factory instead. Its not canon yet. But maaaybe it will be. Who knows? Welp. Bye!


Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Alcohol Reference
Crass Humor

it is completely canon now! coming out soon! Just when i get some time...

Im gonna make a "Collect Cards" Thingy in the game. this one is "Dove"...Maybe if you get them all youll get a special ending...

Hello! so i may not be updating that much. I have some other stuff to do. But....Yeah i still have plans on this so dont worry!

So the game gets a saferoom. I know I know. Its a factory. But maaaybe ill add a part where the player can sneak into the pizzeria. Have a nice day!

Remember! it isn't canon yet. But i still hope you enjoy some screen shots!.....What have i srsly done with my life.