
Comments (16)

What do you think?

alr i know you want fuck all to do with me but like

this is amazing, you were already great but the improvement youve made over the last year is really something even if it aint news to you

the animation, the effects, the shit i cant even name because i know that little about it, its all really cool for lack of (a) better word(s)


bruh wher me collaps megalo covr bruh 💀


i hit z but nothin is happpenin

took me a bit but i beat the demo 2


10/10 would absorb life force again

In the year 2035 or somethin'... A government agent was sent alone on a mission to get access to some of the powerful machinery at JTech Industries. Unfortunately, it got a bit... MESSY.

Agent Brandon Noobert, a man who stupidly ate the blox pill and gained near immortality along with a bald head. With his newfound unkillableness he gained plot armor as well. To keep this power a secret he used the excuse of determination to make them think it was a trait thing. Although his story wouldn't begin until the government got word of military-grade technology was not only being sold at a reasonable price but was also being used at a children's restaurant. After the incident on the 6th day the latest guard was working at jay's the government felt it was reasonable to take jay into custody and investigate him further.

Jay's the only one left before you reach your goal. Make it Q U I C K.

Thanks to the help of @Undermaker12 in the creation of this masterpiece.

#fangame #action #undertale #retro #platformer #rpg #scifi

Cartoon Violence
Intense Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed
Strong Language
Comical Shenanigans

The bois

Some more art

just some art

expect the appetizer demo to be done by Thursday (if not I'll shit myself in disappointment)

Once the last demo gets the final update the next will be the full game. so just be patient and hopefully it'll be out by December (or earlier I hope)

let's not forget I'm in highschool people. This may take a while, but it'll be worth the wait!

honestly idk if this game'll be finished lol

So uhhh... the game's getting a recode lol. The new version will be different but will still feel like the demos.

What's up my fellow Undertale fans!!!!
Now you may be wondering, "What the fuck guys, you said it was gonna be out soon!!!!"
Well here's the thing, we want to make the bestest game we can make, and that includes TIME.
So it will take another month. :)