
Comments (13)

What do you think?

Really interesting game so far, though a couple of minor critiques, the oroborous snakes spawn a bit too close for my liking(unless they are intended to just be dodged past), and a little more clarity on which pits lead downwards vs which kill you could be helpful.

Love the art style, variety of enemies I have seen thusfar, and the overall atmosphere of the game though and I am eager to press on further and see further development as well.

I'll have a video for it next Monday

Looks amazing! I will try it out today...

will it be coming out for mac?

realmente muito bom, gostei muito da pixel art

Kingdom shell is a pixel art metroidvania. It's a cold fairytale of injusice, betrayal and retribution.
Explore the world of Kingdom to stop the invasion of nightmarish creatures and unravel the mysteries of your past.

The magic shell that protected the Kingdom was broken. Sovereigns succumbed to the temptation of filth, poured from the nightmare realm and lead the Kingdom to decline. Nightmarish creauteres terrorize the civilians.


White Temple, which has stood guard over the Kingdom for centuries, cannot cope with the threat. They are compelled to ask for help from a criminal named Elias, the half-blood, in whose veins the blood of nightmarish creatures flows. He may be the Kingdom's only hope.

Kingdom shell is a game I'm working on alone. My goal is to make a metroidvania with an interesting story.

When creating the game, I was inspired by the games Rygar and Castlevania on NES and Momodora RUtM on PC, but my game will be independent.

The game features:

  • Explore the Kingdom's world, rich with deep lore and atmosphere.

  • Stunning pixel art.

  • Deal with your enemies in close combat, as well as using rolls and spells.

  • Meet the inhabitants of the Kingdom.

  • Engage in challenging and exciting boss battles, with over a dozen bosses, including secret ones.

  • Explore the Kingdom's world, full of hidden places and puzzles.

  • Discover items, spells, and abilities that will aid you in your journey.

  • Customize your playstyle with the Inspiration system.

    #adventure #retro #pixelart #metroidvania #platformer #2d #pixel #action

Intense Cartoon Violence
Intense Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Tobacco Use

Hey everyone!

I continue to redraw old graphics and I finally got round to wooden huts in the rocks location. Don't pay attention to those graphic artifacts on the old version picture)


Hey everyone!

There are many visual changes in the game:

- redrawed tons of sprites;

- redrawed main character animation;

- redrawed GUI;

- redrawed inventory menu and equipable items;

- fixed bugs;

Hey everyone!

Started redrawing main character animation. I want to make it more smooth, add additional animation of turning and breaking.

#screenshotsaturday #metroidvania #pixelart #Kingdomshell

Recently, the game has undergone many visual changes. Many sprites, interfaces, and title screen were redrawn. Also, the game finally got an official trailer.


After a long walk through the underground labyrinths Elias gets to the forest of the Old Witch.


Demo update!
• Finally redrawed the first location.
• Added melee attack for the first sub-boss
• Added life particles to recover life
• and many other good things)

There is a new video review of "Kingdom shell". Thanks alot to are0us ( for his video!
New reviews are always cool. It makes me to work on my game more and harder and sometimes I can notice some issues if they are))


Hey everyone!
I keep working on the Gnome's caves.
Added various mechanisms and riddles in the location. Also there are different ailiments appear in the caves, like blindness, poison etc.
And, ofcourse, there are treasures.
