
Comments (14)

What do you think?

Worry not people, this is a original AU and i will make sure to make the dialogue as smooth as possible (also maybe give some ideas that sound unique and interesting for everybody)

i frickin love the idea



yoo finally a good idea

Long ago, two races ruled over: Humans and Monsters. They fought and fought for ages until the humans became victorious, and outcasted Monsterkind into the depths of Mount Ebott and created a magical barrier...

But, not much after the creation of The Barrier, The Humans decided to go down to the Monsters' now home land, The Underground, and finish them off.

You play as Chara, the first fallen human, The Underground is getting seiged by Humans, they want to finish all the friends you have made.

Assemble a party to up two different party members to help you in battle, ranging from normal monsters to Boss Monsters, it's always great having heavy hitters by your side.

Will you be able to defeat the humans and protect your monster friends?


Q: When demo- A: N o

Q: Is this going to be a full game? A: Of course! And we will make sure to make it as consistant as possible!

Q: How do i apply to help with the fangame? A: Simple, first read everything in #application-rules in the discord server, then you can apply in the #applications channel, make sure to make it as polished as possible, that will give you extra points for sure!

Q: What happened to the main cast in the OG Undertale? A Most of them havent even being born yet or they are younger than the OG Undertale, characters like Papyrus and Sans dont exist yet, but characters like Asgore, Toriel and Gerson are a bit younguer, Undyne being a kid, Gaster still being the royal scientist and Asriel still being around This might be edited in the future

---Current Team---

Owner and Spriter: @TableSmashingMan

Helper and Writer: @Zajcode

Musician: @Krajoz

Recuiter (kidnapper): @TheBlueTowel

Logo Design: @ItsKyo

Spriter: @Golden_Bandana_Dee

Spriter: @PixelWind

Concept Artist: @slightlyconfusedweeb

Writer: @Crossboness

Spriter: @David4204

Spriter: @Fusionflare

#fangame #adventure #rpg

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Comical Shenanigans

Welcome to my first project, this is in very early development, still need to assemble a team, and first of all thanks for viewing this page, ill make sure to give life to this project. Applications are open