
Comments (40)

What do you think?

really cool mod. keep up the good work!

those that are scared to downoload it, dw its not a virus, i downoloaded it myself and its good


it is a virus

honestly... i cant believe there is a game like this its amazing best game ever and the end is kinda creepy

Project closed :( Read more here:

Check out remastered version:

New Baldi's Basics Plus is a very big decompiled mod based on Baldi Open Modding Tool Plus 1.3.2.

Also you can visit my game on GameBanana:

#baldi #decompile


Version 0.42.0

- Added minimap from BB+

- Added apple

- Added Big'ol boots

- Added Cloudy Copter

- Added Beans

- Added new ending

- Fixed Grappling Hook

- Refactored item prefab system

- Improved menu

- Improved Playtime and Principal

Version 0.40.0

- Added high graphics mode

- Added shadows in camping

- Optimized camping

- Changed wander system

- Characters are spawning on random wander point

- Added supplies door

- Fixed some bugs

0.39.0 - 1st Floor Update

- Added first floor

- Fixed GameJolt API

- Fixed some bugs

0.38.0 - Principal Update

- Updated principal

- Updated icons

- Fixed water event

- Fixed bugs

0.37.0 - Major Update

- Improved item system

- Improved math machines

- Improved grappling hook

- Moved to Text Mesh Pro

- Principal, Baldi, Playtime etc. now can see through windows.

- Fixed some bugs

- ... and lot more!

Version 0.36.0

- Fixed second floor

- Fixed Trophies

0.35.0 - Bug fix

- Nothing special, just bug fix

0.34.0 - GameJolt API Update!

- Added GameJolt API

- Added Camping Scoreboard

- Added some Trophies

- Fixed bugs