
Comments (3)

What do you think?

This will be better than PvZ 3

When do you plan to release a demo? This looks interesting.

Game Soundtrack

1 song

PvZ_My_Home_Plant_OST - Happy Growing

Protect the house from hungry zombies in this game "Plants vs. Zombies: My Home Plant" (Fan game).


Защитите дом от голодных зомби в пошаговой игре PvZ: My Home Plant (фанатская игра).


Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Comical Shenanigans

We apologize for not being able to release the demo in December, but we will try to add more content than we planned

Boss of the first location - Zombie Teleporter

New plant - Potato Mine

Updated background and concept

So, all the sprites for the main screen of the game are almost ready.
