Game Community
Carter's Super Rockin Community!
2 Members

Comments (3)

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hi, big thx for the game. greetings from rosti ๐Ÿ˜€

Hot Topic Shipments

years after Ashley Coyle killed her family, it was time for plan B. Here at Hot Topic Shipments (or HTS) your shipments are safe at our storage facility! our guards, data encrypters, and repair crew are ready to keep your shipments safe!

HT Shipments are not responsible for any damage or harm to your shipments.

Carter Tonight ENT. Are not responsible for the injuries or death our animatronics may do to your encrypts, repair crew, or security guards!


Just extract file, when you click the file, then it might say its not safe but it is, just Click "learn More" and click "Run Anyways"

#fnaf #fnaf #fnaf

Intense Cartoon Violence
Intense Fantasy Violence
Intense Realistic Violence
Blood and Gore

Another bug fix coming soon

Just extract file, then it might say its not safe but it is, just Click "learn More" and click "Run Anyways"

Out Now


the dumb video editor wont let me remove ugly watermark even though i have a subscription so.... sorry.

edit: Its based off Jollibee: Phase 2- game is coming either today or tomorrow ^~^

September 14, 2021

The game is safe to play on Windows 11

the game is not canceled or anything

here is an update cause really i have been focused on working on the game instead of posting on the page as i should be. the game is in a testing phase. this means we will be using touch screen windows devices and Macs for compatibility on Mac and mobile.

first post! this is for the upcoming TNWCT sequel. i do not expect anyone to follow this game right away so.... yeah! i got close to being done before i made this page. thanks and bye :)