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Pokémon Isekai is a linear adventure that follows a protag from a Pokémon absent universe, now having to adapt to a new Pokémon world in the Lunera Region.


  • No Pokéballs - You have a chance after defeating wild Pokémon (or Legendaries) to recruit one of the combatants.

  • Double the trouble - Most battles will be 2v2 but legendaries and other bosses will be 2v1.

  • No Rock unturned - Most objects and locations will have interaction dialogues, this means there will be loads of secret events and lore to see. so check everything.

  • Strats for days - All moves, healing items and pkmn stats will be adjusted for longer, more strategic battles.

  • Special just for you - Special Events and Quests for Legendaries and other special Pokémon.

  • Retro Overworld - Overworld Traversal inspired by older games (Specifically jrpgs), only specific areas allow free movement.

  • Tyrants - Tyrant Pokémon are special unrecruitable bosses that are bigger, unique and stronger versions of normal Pokémon.

  • Breathing World - Many locations will have wild pokemon and/or NPCs wondering around.

  • Who's ready for some fetch quests? - Numerous unique quests await to be completed for optional key items and other items as well.

  • It's all up to you - You get to decide if you want the original Exp. Share, the new Exp. All or neither.

  • Rematches anyone? - Trainers are rematchable with a cooldown period

  • Oops it fainted? - Now legendaries are able to respawn after being defeated

  • Winds of change - New uses for Razz berries while Golden Razzberries are the fresh new item in town.

#fangame #rpg #strategy #pokemon #fangame #jrpg

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