
Comments (167)

What do you think?

Why this game is so lag? I have GTX 970 and windows 10 and its lag like shit and often crashing

So whats the status on the "Image "GFX\menu\achievements.jpg" missing bug?

rainbow dash needs to be fixed because on how fast she chases the player. but other than that it was alright i guess but some things needs to be looked at.

I ran into a LOT of bugs, crashes, missing textures, and model issues, but it was different for sure.

i ran into an issue with the event in SP.

When Scp-096(Fluttershy) is triggered and she supposed to kill a guard and cover the window with blood. When she goes to attack the guard, the fireing animation keeps repeating and the guard just keeps fireing.

Still loveing the game and thank you for fixing the size issue with Rarity.

Game Soundtrack

3 songs

This game is a mod of SCP:Containment Breach

You can download and listen to the game sounds on Soundcloud.

Download the soundtrack :
#strategy #fangame #horror #action #adventure

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence

I'm now working on the next patch for scp-cim.

In the next patch:
*Gasmask model size fixed
*New textures for SCP-####-A drawings
*SCP-106 speed nurfed a little
*SCP-### map 914 error fixed.

Just a reminder to all personnel. The intro still doesn't work properly. I think it's the main game throwing an [DATA EXSPONGED] with the mod. I've tried to fix this but no luck.

I appreciate your patience. I will try to fix this the best as a can.

Well, it's been 3 months already... HOLY [DATA EXSPONGED]!

Anyway, I have had no luck solving the guard and 096 event but I know what's causing it.

I found it in the error log!

See my reply to this message for details.

The SCP-096 model is now working properly..

Thanks to ashad-jackson for fixing the achievements.

I will soon upload the patch that fixes the achievements and SCP-096.

Watch this space...


I'm currently doing a fix for SCP-096.

I've fixed a bug that SCP-096 drops FPS to 5. I have restored an model from a previous version and it's fixed the lag issue. I will upload a patch asap. I'm currently testing this fix at the mo.

We now have a discord!!!

Hi there!!!

Version 2.9 is now out!!!


*minor texture changes
*4GB patch applies to SCP:CB to improve fps!

Hi everypony, the 2.7.0 package is now fixed and ready to download.
The only bugs i know about in this version are:
* 096 sometimes lags the game,
* guard animations are still a little glitchy. (I'm having trouble fixing that)


Hi everypony!

Iā€™m still working on SCP:CIM!

Iā€™m currently trying to fix the guard animations. The game is using the wrong animation for walking at the mo. :(