
Comments (167)

What do you think?

Why this game is so lag? I have GTX 970 and windows 10 and its lag like shit and often crashing

So whats the status on the "Image "GFX\menu\achievements.jpg" missing bug?

rainbow dash needs to be fixed because on how fast she chases the player. but other than that it was alright i guess but some things needs to be looked at.

I ran into a LOT of bugs, crashes, missing textures, and model issues, but it was different for sure.

i ran into an issue with the event in SP.

When Scp-096(Fluttershy) is triggered and she supposed to kill a guard and cover the window with blood. When she goes to attack the guard, the fireing animation keeps repeating and the guard just keeps fireing.

Still loveing the game and thank you for fixing the size issue with Rarity.

Game Soundtrack

3 songs

This game is a mod of SCP:Containment Breach

You can download and listen to the game sounds on Soundcloud.

Download the soundtrack :
#strategy #fangame #horror #action #adventure

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence

The newest version is now up!!!!


*Couple of new SCP-294 drinks

*A custom map to try and complete

*couple of new loading screen


*Class D animations fixed

*fixed 106 speed habit.

Known Bugs:

*Guard animations are still glitchy.

I'm currently working on an update..

A couple of new loading screens and a new custom map.

I think I've fixed 106's speed addiction for now.

I will upload the update asap

Hi there, Long time no see.

I've been working on a few sound changes and new loading screens.

I will be updating the mod soon.

Watch this [REDACTED]

[(o)] - "I'm in [REDACTED]!"

I'm working a few new loading screens for scp:cim.

I'll be adding them to the next patch when it is ready.

The newest version of scp-containment-is-magic is now up.

I had to reset the guard model to an earlier version though.

Hi everypony.

I have been working on the next update for scp:cim.

There will be a new map that fixes the one in the last update.

The latest version has a few fixes for the loading screens and fixes for the gas mask model.

A custom map is included for anyone to try. There maybe a few errors in it. Please let me know if you find any.

Hi everyone, sorry I haven't posted in a while but I have some news....

I have fixed a few sound problems and I will upload an update soon.

Watch this [REDACTED]

[(O)] - [REDACTED]!!!!!!!!

I've just uploaded V2.11.0 of SCP:CIM.

Included in the zip is the new map pack!

Just unzip the map pack into (install drive and location here)\SCP:CIM\map creator\maps

Also I'm getting the hang of the map creator!!!

I'm also working on a map pack as an optional add-on.

Watch this space!