
Comments (10)

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круто,графика на уровне,но не хватает скримеров

Умнички <3

Под пивко сойдёт 9/10

сижу в эксазе

so good

Game Soundtrack

5 songs

Beta in development!

Experience new sensations

Former VHHS:Backrooms

OSPIL (Organization for searching for people of international level) - компания основанная в 1969 в Швеции великим Эриком Бергквистом. Компания специализировалась на поиске пропавших без вести людей когда надежда на нахождение пропадала все больше. Но были у них и секреты, которые они решили скрывать до последнего.

Валь-д Орский инцидент:

Дата 1.02.1985:

Рядом с городом Валь-Д Ор, группа людей в составе четверых людей пропали около горной местности.

Поиски продолжаются более девяти дней, на поиск пропавших выдвинули все силы Канадской власти и добровольцев со всех городов страны, но все усилия оказались бесполезны.

OSPIL узнав о произошедшим, немедленно отправляет свою лучшую команду из лучших специалистов со всего мира на раскрытие данного дела.

И уже первого февраля 1985 года, группа начинает свою работу...


OSPIL (Organization for searching for people of international level) is a company founded in 1969 in Sweden by the great Eric Bergquist. The company specialized in finding missing people when the hope of finding them was disappearing more and more, but they also had secrets that they decided to hide until the last.

The Val-dor incident:

Date 1.02.1985:

Near the town of Val-d'Or, a group of four people disappeared near a mountainous area.

The search has been going on for more than nine days, all the forces of the Canadian authorities and volunteers from all cities of the country have put forward a search for the missing, but all efforts have been useless.

SPILL, upon learning about what happened, immediately sends its best team of the best specialists from around the world to solve this case.

And already on the first of February 1985, the band begins its work...

You still have a lot of work to do before you can do it.

This is a challenge for the strongest

LiminalSpace, Dreamcore, WeirdCore.

Working on the project - MysteryUnion (and others:

  • Glodex - Programm.

  • Fakelet - Screenwriter.

  • Feitan_V - Modeler.

  • Prophet - Writer.

#other #horror #analog #Dreamcore #survival #Singleplayer #liminal


The development of the BETA TEST has begun, and we will stop updating this version, which is now available, and fully immerse ourselves in the development, the BETA version of the game will be completely changed!

#VHHS #Backrooms

|Darkness is coming|

Poster (Location Warehouse) by GlodexTeam (Old poster of constellation arts)

#Backrooms #Backroom #Game #Games #Poster #VHS #VHHS #Horror #Liminal #LiminalSpace

Release 0.2 of 4.02.23:

Volter is waiting for you

The game is in alpha test.

#Backrooms #Liminal #VHHS #Release

Alpha version coming soon! Which will have only 5 levels, but we will update it every week, so up to version 0.9, after that there will be a BETO test, which will look completely different.


English version of the trailer VHHS:Backrooms.

Coming soon.

#VHHS #Backrooms #Backroom #Liminal #Trailer #ENG #Game


Russian game teaser VHHS:Backrooms(2).

#VHHS #Backrooms #Backroom #Liminal #LiminalSpace #Game #Trailer #Rus


Russian game teaser VHHS:Backrooms.

The English version will be released on 13/01/2023.

#Backrooms #Backroom #Liminal #Game #VHHS

When studying this level, no lives were found ...


#Backrooms #Backroom #Liminal #Game