Game Community
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What do you think?

The virgin Underswap

-All mains swap personality making all the same to undertale

-No new areas

-No new villains or Characters

-Only swap The main characters

The chad SS!Underswap

-Personality is Similar to undertale but roles are changed

-New areas with New and cooler names

-New villains and Epic characters

-Change all characters interest and lore


Best US Take ngl


My cosplay as sans Love the game! :D

just found SS!US!Papyrus sitting on my toilet, taking a shit while drinking soda and watching youtube././././,,, now this is cool take,.,.,.


Game Soundtrack

1 song


Sensational Studios' Underswap is a take on the Alternate Universe of Undertale; Underswap.

Please read the FAQ before commenting!

SENSATIONAL STUDIOS' UNDERSWAP is an UNDERTALE FANGAME created by SENSATIONAL STUDIOS. This game inspires from the concept of the fandom's idea of an CLASSIC SWAP UNDERSWAP to make an original experience with an original story, new characters, and new places! Stay tuned~



Sensational - Lead, Director, Programmer.

Starlightshore - Director, Artist, Animator.

BobbyBoneman - Artist.

Valor52 - Writer.

Synth Mints - Musician.

Pixel-Icon - Animator.


Mrky - Sprite Assistance.

Piggie - Sprite Assistance.

Statictacat - Original Chara Sprite.

Vert -Musical Assistance.

Zasriel -Musical Assistance

Quicksilverquinn - Musical Assistance.

Jacksqrd - Musical Assistance.

Soup Taels - Feedback / Critique

Jevilhumor - Feedback / Critique

Kasssm - Feedback / Critique

Directal - Feedback / Critique

Consider checking out our Discord !


1: When will with game release?

a: Oh boy, this is a fun one. For those who don't know, game development takes time and a lot of effort to create a fun experience. While professionals can do these in a few years, we are young kids / adults trying to balance our free time for this project. So it will take more than traditional game development cycle. Please be patient and respect our privacy as we're trying our hardest and our best to bring this experience to life.

2. What engine as you using to create this?

a: This game is being developed inside the UNITY engine. Unlike most games which use Game Maker Studio to create their fangames, we are taking a different approach. This will not hinder the feel of the game, as we're developing this game to function and feel exactly like if it was created in GAMEMAKER!

3: Can I help with this project?

a: At the moment our team is small but designed like that on purpose. Consistency is something I would like to continue having throughout this game, but I (Sensational) would always love to see your work if you ever wanted feedback or to just show me! My DMs are always open!

4: Can I use your takes characters for any fan-work

a: Of course you can, we don't own any of the characters besides the ones we make for this swap, but even then we don't mind if you use them. Just PLEASE credit this game jolt page so people can know where you got it from!

5: Can I use your assets for any fan-work

a: Now this is where I'd have to ask politely if you wouldn't. Our assets are very much used for this project and this project only because we would like to keep our artists work credited to them. Thank you.

6: What do you have planned for this project?

a: A lot is planned for this project and a lot is to come of it. The focus is to take our beloved UNDERTALE characters and shine new light on their character and personality. With new faces and locations to add onto the mix, these will not hinder these character, rather add on with their own sensational charm~

7: A new story? You mean like just swapped characters?

a: Actually, no. We're completely revamping the story of humans and monsters for this project. While we'll do our best to inspire off of the originals we're going to make something different and new to make this experience stick out from the rest. After all you'll never know what our UNDERGROUND has instore next.

The UNDERGROUND isn't always what it seems.


#fangame #adventure #rpg #retro #strategy #puzzle #survival #Underswap #Undertale #Sensational #SensationalStudiosUnderswap #SensationalStudios #adult

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Tobacco Reference
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans
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