
Comments (2)

What do you think?

I bet this game would be good... but It's unplayable. What are the controls? I pressed every button on my keyboard and nothing is happening. Can you list the controls in the description or add a button configuration setting?

Game Soundtrack

4 songs

Sea of the Falling Sun is set during World War 2, pitting the USA navy against waves of Japanese Kamikaze fighter planes. Your mission is to shoot the hostile aeroplanes out of the sky before they crash into your ships.


Up to 2 Players can play, with either Xbox Controllers or Keyboard or combination of both.

(left keyboard side)

W,A,S,D - moves the crosshair on screen

7 -Fires from leftmost submarine, is also
the accept button on menu screens

8 -Fires from middle left submarine

9 -Fires from middle right submarine

0 -Fires from rightmost submarine

Enter - is the left side player's start button

Escape -Pauses/Unpauses the game

(right side)

Arrow keys - moves the crosshair on screen

(numpad keys)
[1] -Fires from leftmost submarine, is also
the accept button on menu screens

[2] -Fires from middle left submarine

[3] -Fires from middle right submarine

[Enter] -Fires from rightmost submarine, is the
(numpad enter) right side player's start button

Escape -Pauses/Unpauses the game

Xbox Controller

Left Analog stick - moves the crosshair on the screen

LB -Fires from leftmost submarine

A -Fires from middle left submarine,,is also
the accept button on menu screens

B -Fires from middle right submarine

RB -Fires from rightmost submarine

Start - player's start button, can also pause and
unpause game

If you are playing as a two player game, each player's fire button is changed so they only fire from 2 submarines, player one will fire from the submarines on the left side and player 2 will fire from the right side.

If using Keyboard,

(keyboard left side)

7 -Fires from Leftmost submarine

8 Fires from middle left

(keyboard right side, numpad keys)

[1] Fires from middle right

[2] -Fires from Rightmost

Xbox controllers

Player one

LB -Fires from Leftmost submarine

RB Fires from middle left

Player two
LB -Fires from Leftmost submarine

RB Fires from middle left

If you plan on playing single player with keyboard, it is probably best to use the right side which utilizes the arrow keys for moving and numpad keys for firing.

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Language

Current Progress Video Demonstration


Submarine Model

Missile Model