
Comments (6)

What do you think?

By the way, I forgot to ask something: how in the fuck do I level up crafting and lockpicking?

Hey there, it's me again. And hey, I have been playing this from a good 60 minutes now and I've gotta say, it's looking pretty neat!
I see you have put a lot of effort into your game (especially on your events, and God damn these events are extremely packed) and oh boy, it looks like a long journey of an adventure. However, as much as this game has good points, it also has some bad parts (most of them are nitpicking, but, if not pointed out, cloud ruin the experience and immersion for some people).
(By the way, I DID check your game in RPG Maker, so that I could have a better notion of what you were doing)
Here is a list of bugs and nitpicking that I have made (so far):

  • Spikes still transfer you, I'd suggest you just remove the transfer conditions on them and then profit

  • A lot of Tilesets are off and messed up. Like a few stairs don't let me go left or right, I can walk on roofs, etc. there is a section called "4 dir Passage", you can do all sorts of magic with your Tilesets in there

  • Items that make you go into common events should let you select a character (just change your target to none and you should be good)

  • Betony "thinks me an enemy" (the only typo I could find so far)

  • I'm walking on the top end of the trees (just change them to stars and game end the star script you added, since I've found not much use for it so far

  • Bar drinks are walkable (again, Tileset mistakes)

  • Choices shouldn't have a period at the end of them (but then again, it is your game, this bit is just nitpicking on its finest)

  • House entrances could be straight up b l a c k (you could just remake your single event that checks your location for every transfer to single separate door/transfer events, it's way less of a headache. Non the less, kudos for the extra work on them)

  • A few shadows are acting weird and are going where they aren't supposed to (use the shadow pen to fix them)

  • N o b a t t l e m u s i c (this is crucial for most battles and just slaying bats, rats and etc with no background music is a bit tedious, so I please ask you to add battle music. My recommendation is "Battle8", or just "Battle1" if you want them to feel more casual)

  • Sand-water tiles beside plane grass look kinda ugly (try putting straight up sand tiles beside the sand ones, so that it finds better with the environment)

  • You could make certain interactable events turn down (doors and chests for example) so that they don't do this: or this

  • Enemies could start chasing you when you enter a certain area (take my game as an example). It's a bit complicated to do, but it's an interesting concept to be looked into

  • Mudcrab is a slime (I know that you probably didn't find any decent drawn mudcrab images, but try using certain PNGs that fit decently with them. Then again, you don't need to, if you feel like it would ruin the experience)

  • A few "ceilings" are missing their columns (in the mudcrab cave, for example)

  • The menu music is also lacking (although it could fit well without one, I'm going to recommend one of them anyways :P. Try using "Theme2" on 90% speed)

  • This waterfall is messed up ( Try using some of the example maps given by RPG Maker to fix yours (because I also don't know how to make it look better, yay)

  • Enemies are too weak to deal damage, therefore rendering a no risk situation on any battle (yes, even bosses)

  • Try changing your collected books and scrolls to key items (to not clog up the normal items section)

  • A level 2 sorcerer deals 9 damage on thugs with Scorch and 34 with an iron sword (try fixing the damage value for the skills OR add more MAT points into your actors)

  • The rat dude sent in 1 rat. Try making him send at least 3 of those, even if they are stronger. Making battles more crowded (or even harder, which is what I was looking for) is not always a bad tactic

  • Clever flooring technique, kudos for that as well

Aaaand I think that's all! For the rest of the game, I found every single thing amazing. Rich story, freedom of choice, each character designs is original and "self-made" (quotes because I know you used the character creator for all of them, heh) and etc.
Also, a recommendation I'll make to you is to add a diagonal movement script, since your map is enormous and full of places to go to, it would surely make travels feel better overall.
Also, try messing with Window Tint in your events, to make dark places feel darker or even other places just have better lighting overall.
You could try adding a few other scripts, but leave those for Optrii, since it is, I presume, an even greater project than this one, therefore I wish you, once again, good luck with it.
I will be sure to update you on more bugs and stuff that I liked as I go through the game.

The small island of Betony is in turmoil. The year is 2E76 and King Jaspar of Daggerfall has died, two years prior. Baron Aswender, titled nobility of Betony, declared the island free of Daggerfall because Jaspar's successor, his daughter Filias, is unfit.

However, less than a year later, Baron Aswender was slain in battle by Harald of Wayrest, a Nord who declared Betony a colony of Skyrim.

Now, rumors of a mid First Era staff, Volveen, have resurfaced. Volveen was said to have the power to charm nations, created by the Altmer wizard Stralos. One hero will find Volveen and change the course of the small island in Illiac Bay.

Credits include:
Tilesets by Enterbrain, Mack, Aweryn, Candacis, Celianna
Soundeffects by Finnolia Productions & JamesdomusGames
Scripts by Victor Sant

A custom made level up system gives the player control.
In game there is: Crafting, Weaving, Armorer's Bench, Grinding Wheel (for weapons and armor), Alchemy, Lockpicking, etc.

Races to choose from: Altmer, Bosmer, Breton, Nord or Redguard, male or female.

Go where you want, do what you choose in The Elder Scrolls: Betony

Disclaimer: I do not own The Elder Scrolls or anything related to it. Bethesda Softworks created the world. I'm just a kid playing in their sandbox. Please don't kick over my sandcastle, mom says it's the best one, ever. Really.



Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Simulated Gambling

Log 7

Log 6

Those few problems gave way to MANY more issues, but luckily, I’m mostly full time on this game and I’m cleaning them out. Let it get away from me there, but we are well on track to that 7/4 release date!

Log 5

I’ve done some testing myself today. A few issues that I’ve cleared up. Will be sending an updated version to the Beta tester tomorrow.

It’s always something, but it’s shaping up well.

Log 4

Finished adding enemies to the world, setting up the shops, trainers, etc. Now, the game is off to Beta testing.

Log 3

Log 2

Each of the playable races: Altmer, Bosmer, Breton, Nord & Redguard have their own strengths and weaknesses. For instance, Bosmer begin the game with Novice Lockpick and Nords in this game have no magicka. Here’s an in-game screenshot.

Log 1

All the gameplay of Betony is finished as of today, 5/4/18. Need to decorate some of the maps more, add enemies & Beta test.