
Comments (87)

What do you think?

This is the thumbnail of my game, I currently put it on devlog right now. But I'm trying to make a game with these animatronics int hem. XD

Do you have any guess when this will come out?

No need to rush or anything, I'm just curious.

Also is there a way to make freeroam games

okay this is epic

i have a question. can we import our own models?

Fnaf Kit is a game designed to allow for the creation of custom nights and maps that are both sharable and playable by anyone else with the game. The project was in on and off development for its first year, before it was scrapped and rebuilt from the ground up in its current form.

This game is a one-man effort, so progress is not that fast. If interested in helping out, pm me.

#pointnclick #survival #fangame #horror #other #fnaf #levelEditor #MapMaker #fnaf #fnaf

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence

Hi guys. While I'm taking my break, I want to update this page to reflect the current state of the game, so I'm uploading this quick video of the editor in use. I'll be adding some images later on as the ones that were available before were quite dated.


Hi guys, I am taking a break from this project for the next three weeks. Trying to balance this with a full time job and health issues has started to take its toll. Fear not, more updates will come once I'm feeling better.


Just posted a quick patch, fixing the menu sticking and move object glitches. The save bug may also be fixed.


Who's ready for Freddy? Just need to finish his hands and optimize the mesh, and he's good to go.


Heads up. Still getting reports of maps not saving sometimes. Waypoints are causing some errors when moved. patching now.

New test build released, fixing the room glitch, some object placement issues, and a few smaller fixes.

Sorry for the delay in the bug fixes. I got carried away. now selected objects will show you they are selected! and you can actually deselect objects once group selected.


The lighting system is currently having an overhaul (out later today) with objects now casting shadows again and lights being blocked by walls. As they should.


I'll be updating the build later today to fix some of the more glaring issues. If you currently have the new build, watch out for...

-Room deregisters if a cell is erased. (Won't save)

-Reflection probe object visible in scene.

-Some menus stretch issues.

Might want to check those cameras...