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THE NIGHTMARE - historia
La historia empieza en el aƱo 2002, existia una niƱa llamada Alice Broject, Alice en ese momento tenia 15 aƱos, y ella vivia con una familia, su mama se llamaba Ana Broject, y su papa era nada mas y nada menos que ZAK, Alice era muy feliz con su familia, pero no era tan muy feliz que digamos con sus compaƱeros de la escuela, ya que sus compaƱeros le hacian bullying por que todos la tomaban como una niƱa rrara por que era muy timida y se la pasaba en el rincon del salon, luego despues de la escuela cuando llega a su casa siempre no estan sus padres por que andan trabajando asi que lo que hace Alice para matar el aburrimiento es dirijirse a su habitacion y comenzar a dibujar ya que ella le apaciona el arte pero los dibujos de Alice eran muy diferentes a lo que dibujaria una niƱa comun, Alice dibujaba cosas rraras, muy bisarras y escalofriantes, y segun ella dice que lo que dibuja son sus pesadillas, cada noche siempre con una nueva pesadilla y hasta el momento lleva 6 pesadillas en diferentes lugares de sus pesadillas, luego una noche en una pesadilla algo le sucedio que no tenia explicacion, Alice ya habia entrado a una pesadilla y no podia despertar, ni usando la vieja confiable del pellisco, asi que luego comenzo a escuchar un rruido muy escalofriante y eran nada mas y nada menos que todos los enemigos por ejemplo, Ondernight, Kraps, Bloody, Anark, Dark Tubby y finalmente el peor de todos, Darkness, luego ella comienza a corre y luego se tropieza y despierta en un bosque, atras de ella habia una carretera y en esa carretera habia un auto chocado en una roca y el auto estaba humiando, luego Alice aterrada dijo que demonios pasa, y apartir de ese momento comenzo a buscar la salida en ese bosque hasta que eschucha un rujido demoniaco y era el el malvado Ondernight, luego Alice asustada se echa a correr y encuentra e su camino unas memorias USB luego commienza a correr mas y encuentra en total 10 USB luego dijo quepara que sirven esas cosas, luego Alice se percata de que el Ondernight andaba muy serca asi que ella se echa a correr y se encuentra con una compuerta, luego coloca todos los USB posibles hasta que uno hizo efecto y a compuerta se abrio y ella entro y luego se cierra la compuerta.


The story begins in 2002, there was a girl named Alice Broject, Alice at that time was 15 years old, and she lived with a family, her mother's name was Ana Broject, and her father was nothing more and nothing less than ZAK, Alice She was very happy with her family, but she was not so happy to say with her classmates, because her classmates bullied her because everyone took her as a child because she was very shy and passed her in the corner. of the classroom, then after school when she arrives at her house, her parents are not always there because they are working, so what Alice does to kill boredom is to go to her room and start drawing as she puts the art to him but the Alice's drawings were very different from what a common girl would draw, Alice drew things that were very funny, very bizarre and chilling, and according to her she says that what she draws are her nightmares, each night always with a new nightmare and so far she has 6 nightmares and In different places of his nightmares, then one night in a nightmare something happened to him that had no explanation, Alice had already entered a nightmare and could not wake up, nor using the old reliable pellisco, so then he began to hear a very loud noise. chilling and were nothing more and nothing less than all the enemies for example, Ondernight, Kraps, Bloody, Anark, Dark Tubby and finally the worst of all, Darkness, then she starts running and then stumbles and wakes up in a forest, back from her there was a road and on that road there was a car hit on a rock and the car was humiliating, then Alice terrified said what the hell is going on, and from that moment she began to look for the exit in that forest until she heard a demoniac rumble and It was the evil Ondernight, then scared Alice runs away and finds a USB drive and then begins to run more and finds a total of 10 USB then said that to serve those things, then Alice I know that the Ondernight was very close so she runs to find a gate, then put all the USB possible until one made an effect and the gate opened and she entered and then the gate closed.

La historia continua en el juego The nightmare, descargalo ya, apto para computadoras de 64 bits y 32 bits ;)

canal de you tube - Whinsekk 2.0:

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed
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