
Comments (58)

What do you think?

hi, big thx for your next funny disturbing game. i love it :) greetings from germany

What a funny little game, great job! People don't understand that good or funny content is better then quality graphics.

Can you publish the soundtrack please

Game Soundtrack

1 song

Le Music

We've all seen movies. The main characters always save the world in movies. But what happens when they're not saving the world? What do they do? They poop of course! Play as the main character as they try to poop in their twisted worlds.


I wanted to make another game, and since the first one got such good feedback, why not make a "sequel" :D
I decided to make the levels a parody of movies, please don't take any of em seriously :)

Please know that I am somewhat of a newbie at making games, so levels, coding etc. may not be optimised. Therefor low-end PC's might have trouble running the game (Sorry). I am working on optimising it.

Feel free to give me any feedback and/or criticism.
If you find an issue/bug or anything with the game, please let me know via the comments :)

Credit to Amosdoll Music for the "Scooby Poo" music


Mild Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Crass Humor

Last level (NOT OUT)

Just writing this to let people know that the last level will probably take a little while to put out, as I have to make the secret as well :)

Yay new level added

Jabadabaduuuuu! New level ! :O Tis Scooby Poo. Also fixes for Poocific Rim and Harry Pooper.

Try and outrun the spookies!

Stuff with a bit of stuff on the top

Stuff fixing and stuff fixes

Changed Poocific Rim a little bit, and fixed the mouse disappearing.

One new level pls

The 4th level is now available. Parapoopal Activity, where your wife is mad at you for not caring about her. Such is life.

Detail n stuff

Added some decorations, mostly to the Harry Pooper level.

Sensitivity and Pause Menu

Added a pause menu in each level. Simply press the escape button to access it! Awesome! Also added a sensitivity “option”. You can now use the scroll wheel to change sensitivity in each level! Double Awesome!

New level

Added the turd (see what I did there?) level to the game, Poocific Rim. You can walk around in this level! :O

More optimising and difficulty changes

Optimising and stuff