
Comments (2)

What do you think?

its cancelled :C? ah fuck

Be prepared for 31st October 2017

Not all scars heal with time... Come and join us...

We are making a slow return

We'll play a game... you will soon join us... our pain shall be sealed in your soul...

Your time is running out...

So basically I'll be working on Project: Hell until Halloween (October 31st), I'm adding things such as:

  • New abilities

  • Weapons

  • Characters

  • Music

  • Progress videos which can be found on my channel

  • Character codes

  • More Areas

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Alcohol Use
Mild Language
Crass Humor

More secret Characters

I am adding more secret characters. Special ones.

It's not my fault...

Mac version is up.

Mac users, this is your lucky day, from now on both Windows and Mac have a build. I put the first Mac one up today.

Am I broken?

My left shoulder is acting up (my side left). I am serious pain, everytime I move it, it cracks. Any ideas on what I should do? Because this is kinda stopping me from developing.

Mac users 2

Considering the last devlogโ€ฆ changing it to macโ€ฆ was so easy. Lol, itโ€™ll be up soon

Mac users

Ok so, many people probably use apple. I can understand that, so I will try to make Where Memories Sleep compatible with Mac. It may take a while, but itโ€™ll happen. Thatโ€™s all, Iโ€™ll see youโ€ฆ next time. bye!

I'm sick...


Thank you!


I am going to upload what I have now because I have been working on it for a while and I think it is worth uploading. Also I do realised I missed 1.2.0, thats because this update is so big. Anyway, itโ€™ll be up in an hour.