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Xile is an epic space adventure side scroller.

A really early build here, just a basic exploration of asteroid destruction and mothership movement. In the future you'll be able to enter your mother ship and install lots of different modules, generators engines and weapons. Watch this space


!-5: construct items

F: mothership forward fire mission (cluster missile)

E: mothership move order

X: change primary weapon (flak/laser)

SPACE: Missiles

Known Issues:

-Weird error message on startup, just close and the game will start.

-Don't pick up any blue crystals, game will crash.

-Hud is place holder, just showing a few things. I know its too big

Visit the twitter also to keep up with updates or when I pick it up again:

I stream game dev on Dlive, you can earn money while you watch on dlive so use this link: and follow Stagnation. Ask me about it on stream I'll explain

This game is on hold for now, but I'm looking forward to working on it again, Currently working on Diluvian which is also free, a retro FPS, go check it out on GameJolt

Thanks for stopping by

#retro #scifi #rpg #shooter

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