
Comments (23)

What do you think?

thank you very much for your video and that you enjoyed playing it!!! Good to let us know what you found regarding bugs. We will work on it right away! Of course we will keep you posted on the builds in the future if you like.

Founder/Game designer Excamedia

hallo nederlander,

ik vind het een grappig spel en vind het cool dat jullie unity begrijpen maar het aantal bugs die er in zitten zijn niet normaal je kan zomaar door blokjes heen lpen en als je naar beneden valt kan je gewoon weer omhoog glitchen tenzij dit iets is wat je zelf erin wou dat weet ik niet maar voor een status: complete game vind ik niet. dus vraag je devs in je team of ze een paar van de bugs kunnen fixen

This reminds me of Out of this world for DOS!

Again, i played the new version and my subs seem to be digging the idea! thanks for getting int ouch

you can directly play it here in your browser :)

We're constantly updating/developing/marketing the game, if you've feedback let us know.

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Comical Shenanigans

4.0 is uploaded

ok we’ve uploaded the new version 4.0:

cartoonish style

less bugs (duh)

R = restart

a bit of ice

better colors

Almost shooting range completion!

check it out and let us know what you think about the colors

more stuff on the website (video's from tony)

First devblogpost on our website from Maarten

Clumsy Christmas!

A very clumsy christmas!

Another great review from a blogger (thanks man)

New intro for the tutorial level

Feedback & Voting on Audio for Tutorial Level

Old news articles are on our gamejolt blog

new presentation from blackantmaster

Have a look at our presentation how Zack is created in the beginning…