
Comments (3)

What do you think?


Hey, i can make you some better game art if you would like.

Reply, and i will. (Even if you say no :P)

Heyo everyone! I'm Dillan and I'm working on Another Day all by myself.

Story: Kasumi(PC) has to go into another world to rescure her sister Akiko, Sounds simple right? WRONG!

My discord:

(Even though no ones asked anything)

Q: Will this game have Multi-Player?
A: Probably not.

Q: When will this game be complete?
A: Who knows.

Q: Will this game be free?
A: Nope, although.....if your fanart and or music end up the game you'll get the game FREE! And if that wasn't good enough you'll be put in the credits!

More will be added here later!
#another #day #rpg #story

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Suggestive Themes
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans
Nothing has been posted to this project page yet. Check back later!