
Comments (143)

What do you think?

The office look great! ^w^

Rip the game

This game is very good keep up the work bro!

What Are these animal animatronics :D

This Looks Good

			Beta: 1.8 (50%)
(*Will be launched in the 2.0 version*)

Menu: 100%
Cameras: 100%
Office: 100%
A.I: 50%
Mechanics: 30%
Easter Egg's:10%
Release Date:19/06/16

Please remember that, my game does not interfere with yours, so please, if you will evaluate my game as terrible rather not vote. OK?

We of the Luky's Diner we need a new night guard!
Payment is $ 100 a week! Be ready!

The game is being program by my friend WarSoft


Mild Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed


Hi guys! The release date NOT be “official” because play can be done much earlier, anyway ,will be 19/06/16 .Please remember, the release date can be changed ;D


New Teaser!

Click here for see the new teaser! [… ]

*Office Teaser Video!*

15 folowers on twitter= NEW TEASER!

+1K of views!

Thank you guys!

The game is NOT canceled!

Well, Im here to tell you guys, the game is NOT canceled. The page of the game stay stop for a LONG time, but, the game still in development. Now, my friend War Creations is programing the game. Please stand by ;D

We need of YOUR HELP! We need someone to find for sound effects

Hi guys! Well, we need of help with the sounds effects. If you meet a good site for sounds please say for us :D

My new twitter account+EXTRA TEASERS!