
Comments (731)

What do you think?

I have an idea:

There should be mechanics that work like in five nights at wario's, if you don't know five nights at wario's, there's an link to the game.


(Check out other FNaW games made by wwwWario, there's also Fan-Games of it made by other people.)


i am draw an art !

Waiting for this to release so i can make my next fnaf game

this gonna have built in tutorials?

best month of my life

Game Soundtrack

3 songs

Discord Server:


🎉 Asynchronix: It's finally here!

Asynchronix (Async) is the reimagination of FNAF Engine, featuring a new user interface, over 100 new functionalities, and enhanced stability.

Join our Discord Servers to receive help, download extensions/scripts, and more!

⭐ Core Features

- Compile to .apk, .exe and HTML5*

- Interactive Tutorial

- New codeblocks and special codeblocks for different runtimes

- Customize your workspace

- Built-in documentaries, guides and dictionary

- Friendly user interface

- Enhanced stability

**This feature may not be available to everyone**

⚙️ Requirements and Optimizations

To run Async, you need Windows 10 or a higher operating system, with a minimum of 4GB of RAM and at least 5GB of hard disk space

Async was **not** developed using Clickteam Fusion, which means that most antivirus programs will not trigger when you open the exe.

Both the editor (used to create your game) and the runtime (used by Async to execute your game) have been written in C# using Visual Studio. This means that it's easier to fix bugs, implement new features and optimize the engine.


-- Where can i download Asynchronix?

At the moment, Async is still in the development phase, but you can still download it as a .zip in this page! (It's still in testing!)

-- Are my projects made in FNAF Engine compatible with Asynchronix?

Asynchronix is backward-compatible and supports projects created with FNAF Engine, as long as they have been updated to at least the latest version.

📃 Documentation for Asynchronix


📃 Documentation for FNAF Engine

- [Basics of FNAF Engine](

- [Fix most common errors of FNAF Engine](

- [How to create custom camera mechanics](

👨‍💻 Development Team

Recovery/Decompilation Help:
- windBugg_ (@windBugg_ /


- ghetto (mtflily)

- Giga Ghatto (hexdev)

- Blocky (blocky9032)

#fnafengine #fangamecreator #maker #horror #action #pointnclick

#engine #survival #fnaf #fangame #fnf


Sound Packs are here!

Nightly Asynchronix 0.7.11 is out!

motivated again

0.7 will be the animatronic update and so far we have

wtfrick discor nitro generator made in asynchronix