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Blackstone Mine is under attack by the monsters, a group of three intrepid adventurers have been tasked to eliminate the said monsters & save the miners within.


  • Classic turn-based JRPG battles.

  • Classic JRPG inspired graphics.

  • Classic JRPG top-down view with FPV (First Person View) battles.

  • 3 levels dungeon with "Boss Battle".

  • First Adventure in the "MICRO QUEST" Series.

  • Inspired by "EPYX's DUNJONQUEST SERIES".

#rpg #adventure #retro #rpgmaker #2d

Mild Fantasy Violence

Hello World,

A small patch for the game, minor bugs fix. Changelog:

1) Fixed a text error.

2) Reconfigured a final boss stats.

3) Reconfigured an enemy stats.

Special Thanks To "HEROBRINE1717" for pointing out the bugs.

Hello World,

Finally, the full release is here. Game is complete all the planned features & events are added. Please play & leave your comments about the project. Enjoy.

Hello World,

An update on the project, ProjectUNO has become "Micro Quest: Blackstone Mine", a micro RPG quest. This is first in a line of Micro Quest series, will convert the demo into a complete game with dialogues & storyline.

The game originally consisted of 3 dungeons with three levels each, reminiscent of an old JRPG's. Due to time constraint couldn't finish the game, thus converting the present files into a playable demo. Would appreciate any suggestions.

As an RPG fan want to make games based on the local stories/fables read as a child. Inspired by RPG greats like Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Mass Effect started working on the project. Thus the ProjectUno started.