
Comments (3)

What do you think?

Firstly, I have to say I'm astounded that this game hasn't received more attention. It's a beautifully designed, wonderfully written and deviously challenging platformer that really does deserve so much more!

Hm, I think I already kind of did my review there, didn't I? Honestly though, this game really is a treat. An adorable bunch of kooky characters, a fun platformer mechanic which involves using your bird companion to carry you around and dash in all directions to get to your goal and some super-hard levels that demand your full attention!

I ran into a couple of issues with the game crashing on me on one particular level, but other than that everything runs smooth as can be and I honestly could have played a lot more. I'm a big fan of Doretta and Birb, and had a whole bucketload of fun being a part of their story =)

Alright everyone else, where are you? Get this played!

(Quick sidenote to the dev, I think you should consider popping this on and to get some more attention, this game truly deserves it!)

I love the graphics or design of the game. Idk why this game do not have more attention... This is a project in progress? I want to test it, but I want to know if is completed or not

Blue Letters is a 2D platformer game where players control a young postwoman trainee named Dorette who ventures through obstacles of the sky world to deliver mails and connect people.

#2D #platformer #sidescolling #bird #letter




"I’m Dorette. Just your average girl you could find anywhere."

"This little guy here is Birb - I’ve been with him since I was a little kid."


"Currently, I’m working as a delivery girl for my father."

"Everything is peaceful here at the floating city of Azurite. A bit too peaceful, even…"


"Isn’t life supposed to be a bit more exciting?!"


"I wish I could go to other places out there! Dazzling forests, beautiful villages, I've seen them all from my picture books. There's all kinds of islands to visit!"


"Is there nothing I can do to change this…?"



*Blue Letters supports both keyboard and joy controller.*



Press left or right arrow key. / Move joy controller's left stick horizontally.

Controls the direction the character walks.




Press Z key. / Press A button of joy controller.

Jumps from the ground. You may hold the button after jumping to jump higher.



Hold Z key. / Hold A button of joy controller.

After a window after jumping, you can glide to slow down the descent speed.



Press X key. / Press X button of joy controller

& press directional arrow keys to select up to 8 directions.

  • Move to the selected direction quickly.

  • You can dash both on the ground and in the mid-air.

  • Each dash will consume 1 stamina point. The stamina point will be restored when you land on the ground or collect a replenisher.


The game is developed by students from Thailand studying at Thammasat University under the major of IDD-CDT.


Team members & Roles:

  • Thanakom Srithanachai | Director / Game designer / Level designer

  • Guy Sirithong | Producer / Programmer / Artist

  • Yoh Ginoza | Programmer / Sound designer

  • Artchavit Osathapan | Programmer

  • Sirada Chumalee | Artist

  • Thenthai Thaiboonruang | Artist

  • Dit Kaweekijrapee | Artist

  • Apivit Kamonto | Artist

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
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