
Comments (9)

What do you think?

Entertaining, even if I could only find 7 out of 9 deaths.
The ability to turn around- or at least some fix for continuously seeing through random walls- would be nice though.

Searching is hard when you can't see where you're going. ^ ^;

After coming home from work Mr. Whiskers finds Mrs.Whiskers with the neighbors dog Rufus. After disposing of their bodies and getting high off cat nip Mr.Whiskers couldn't live with what he had done and so the story begins... or ends.

Cool little game you have hear! Little buggy at times, nothing that can't be improved on. As a content creator on Youtube, I have to say this game makes for interesting content! Keep improving! :D

My Let's Play:

really nice game but a little laggy made a lets play


Movement <w a s d>
Jump <space>
Interaction <e>

You can interact stuffs with e key.
Your goal is to kill the cat.

Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Comical Shenanigans

My first haxeflixel project

The first screenshot from my next game.

Added new alternatives!

Added webplayer version and classic standalone version.