
Comments (6)

What do you think?

This goes RAW

best game shown in fnaf fest

why is it telling me to unzip before playing.

didn't know it was "that" kind of game

amazing game!!!

The story so far...

You wake up after a long party at the office and find yourself slumped over in the meeting room. Unfortunately, management already locked up the place and you won't be able to get out until 6 AM. That doesn't sound so bad... until you realize that a spooky random guy in a chair is with you as well. Not only that, but you remember that you forgot to eat anything in the past four weeks and the only thing in this room that can possibly satisfy your hunger is a half eaten bag of chips. Can you keep yourself from starving and survive against the Chair Man?


The Chair Man: Logan Kula

Victory theme: @Some_boio

Testing: Mia, @Yu_Ro

Everything else: @SilverTSlates


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