
Comments (5)

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So many bootlegs......oof



Hey guys so I'm taking a break on the game because I need work on a show that's coming out next month. Hope you guys understand.

Hey guys! i have some good news for tonight or day, anyways i made a few changes on the game but it's really not a problem. but the game will have a demo and it will come out soon, i would say this month. Alright see ya!

Guess Who?


I got the cams done, and there's gonna be a story mode.

A little bad news, so the release date will be probably delayed because i have no ideas for any A.I. characters and i'm still putting new ones in.

Hey guys! so i have some news today, the news for today is the release date for this game, the release date for the game is June.23.2019 basically the first games release. that's all i have for today!


Here's some news for tonight, so i have no official release date for this game yet, because i'm not trying to make the game delayed. anyways i'm making my own rooms for this game so, wish me luck! alright goodnight.