The ChimpTire series mainly follows the adventures of Gneteret, a strapping young lad who has the contrasting personality of being completely serious to completely humorous. ChimpTire from a creator's standpoint, is a psychological horror story about the toils of growing up. Gneteret's clashing personality traits cause him to realize, this JRPG game won't be easy. He's forced to work together with unlikely allies to try to save himself, and his family.
With hard work and dedication, you can guide Gneteret all over his house, destroying the evils that now lurk in a place he once called home. The game can detect your emotional levels and dynamically change the game as you play in order to fully immerse you. It is one of the most powerful games of all time, all running straight from the most powerful software we currently have to date: RPG Maker 2003.
You'll like ChimpTire. You'll play the game. You'll buy the toys. You'll get a shirt with "I played ChimpTire and I will play it again" on it. Eat, Breathe, Live. ChimpTire. The name has meaning. It will all circle back. ChimpTire: The Greatest Quirky Game of All Time. Be there for it.
Please enjoy ChimpTire. #horror