
Comments (7)

What do you think?

The gameplay is fine, I don't see any bugs.
Although I don't know what the objective is to this game.


nice game! nice music... :)

Some screenshots would be great. Most people would want to see some stuff before downloading 200mb..

Note: there is a bug where level 6 keeps repeating after the second shop

This is the demo for my new game, Crystal Dreamland Where you play as Eric, a soldier who goes into a chapel to pray to the godess of time and is sent to a 100 floor dungeon to Slay the mighty demon god that has made its lair in the Godess' castle.
Note: The Demo is only 15 floors, any bugs please post in the comment section and i will read them every Hump Day (wednsday!) and make adjustments to the game based on the comments

NOTE2: Norton will not accept this file!!!! i can garuntee it is not a virus, ive had my friends play it with no problem!!!!!! Disable norton to download this file.

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
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