
Comments (54)

What do you think?

Gave Part 4 a peek! So far the story is going well ^-^
I once again failed to catch on to the first puzzle, but that's just me xD
Here is the video I have so far :)

Part 1 is fun for me! Can't wait to do the rest!

I made a little Let's Play of this!


Well this version I think is 32. Gamemaker has only one export. Try part one.

I have no idear why any errors and random floating things are appearing. Do you have any other computers in your house. Just to see if its something to do with that one computer.

welcome to the world of Dark Hours.... The wolf is near....

Ace why are you a fool!


In the year 2098, a revolutionary piece of technology was invented, the Time Ripper. The Time Ripper was a time machine that was going to change the world in unmeasurable ways. Just as the Time Ripper’s development had finished the terrorist army known as the QUEllA stole the Time Ripper. With the QUEllA now having time on their side, they could change anything and everything at their will. In response to this emergency the TRIP Task Force was created to try and recover the Time Ripper and prevent any changes occurring to time. Over the years more and more people joined the fight against the QUEllA and eventually the TRIP Task Force lead by Ace and Sally managed to destroy the Time Ripper. But as Ace destroyed the Time Ripper, he was sucked into a time portal it created. Dark Hours 2 follows the story of Ace and Sally as they try and figure out how theQUEllA survived the events that almost wiped out time itself and put a stop to them once and for all. Throughout the 5 chapters Ace and Sally go from busy cities to windy, snowy lands. From the Great Fire of London and to the QUEllA under water base to try and finish what they set out to do from the very beginning.



Dark Hours 2 Gameplay takes place of over 5 parts. Each part has a different theme/gameplay mechanic that the player must master to continue. The overall gameplay is shooting your way through hordes of enemy’s. Tanks, Quella, helicopters nothing can stand in your way. If they do, you have a variety of weapons to blow more stuff up. Have FUN!



D=run right

A= run left

Left click shoot

Right click shoot

Move mouse to move gun

#Shooter #Runngun #guns #story #retro #Youtube #bosses #robots
#timetravel #war #letsplays #sclfi


Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Alcohol Reference
Mild Language

A Update!

New AI!

Another UPDATE!

Neo Update ( FACE UPDATE)

Updates to characters

Next update there will be some new models!

A little improvement!

Dark Hours 2 Part 3 IS OUT!

Part 3 is OUT for you to play!

The Count down!

Let the count down begin! 2 days to the Part 3 beta!

Follow the game to get the download when the could down has ended!

Enderlost Studios!

Dark Hours 2 Part 3 Coming SOON!


Dark Hours 2 (get on bord)