
Comments (12)

What do you think?

I got over 600+ points, I forgot how much exactly because I was trying to escape from the horde of zombies.

Not Bad But You Should Add Multiplayer And New Weapons And Rounds

Not bad at all. I like the mechanics. Characters could be animated, but apart from that pretty sweet!

nice, i like it, but i have a problem, the game run very slow, only 6-7 fps, is that normal? or it is my computer?

Well it's a good start and quite fun to play so far. Of course you'll be working on things to add and fix.

Dead Wave is up and ready for TESTING.

Cartoon Violence
Realistic Violence
Blood and Gore

The newest addition!

Knifing is now avalible in the game! Press F and enjoy the madness! - Ash

The next update!

Hey guys! Just wanted to let you all know that I’m currently working on new material for the game! - Some of which includes; New character models, new zombie, various GFX and SFX and much more!! - Hope you all get to play soon! - Ash

"That big update"

My apologies for the update that was in the game! Instead of fixing things I made a little mess instead!! - But now hopefully all should be fixed, enjoy!

Update! 07/03/13

New version of the game! - Various bugs and SFX fixed once more!


My deepest apologies for the current state of the game! - Though I have added in alot more for you guys to play with, the scoreboard system really, really does not like the game, currently working on the situation!!

Yet some more changes and updates!

Game update soon - New weapons, GFX & SFX added


Ok, some new changes have been made/ added for smoother performance and a little bit hard gameplay ;) Scoreboard should hopefully be along soon!!!

Updates, updates!!! ...

Hello guys! This would be the first official update on this site that isn’t on mine :P - New GFX and SFX added, new controls for both WSAD and Arrow keys enabled! - More features coming soon.