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Epic wants a ban on-

Wait wrong story

So the epok tower got taken down because creator was mean to the other staff and they hack or something so mask and the others went to open a dumb pizza theatre with MARLON RANDOM out of all people and amogus and ghost gun went missing (sorry to those who liked those 2 but they are basically not in this game) and mask abandoned his mask heroicis persona and went back to being epic_go_e but his mask heroicis spirit is still around somewhere. Guest boy went to his original outfit instead of his shopkeeper costume. And Epic and Marlon Made a job where that a person survives against them and receives a lot of money if they survive successfully it's like a thousand dollars or something. and you were the one that was hired (are you crazy i mean you do gets lots of money but you have a huge chance of dying) and then you start your job.


You have 2 doors, a vent, and a sound button behind you oh and your camera of course



Coding-Guest Boy

Art-Epic_Go_E (for epic and mask), Guest Boy (Everything Else)

Voices-Epic_Go_E and Mask Heroicis (Epic_Go_E), Guest Boy and Phone Guy (Himself), Marlon Random (Voice Clips from LBP3 oh and the original va of him for that game was Nolan North), Takumi (Voice Clips from AnimeBroMii), Groo (TextToSpeech Voice),Nikocado Avocado (Voice Clips from his channel).

Here's my attempt of making a wiki

#fnaf #Amongus #Random #FangameOfFangame (Actually a fangame of multiple fan games) #FNATET #TNAR (Wait no i meant) #ControllerSupport (THAT'S RIGHT, YOU CAN EXPERIENCE THIS GAME LIKE THESE FNAF FAN GAMES MADE ON LITTLEBIGPLANET AND THAT ONE FNAF FAN GAME CALLED "ONE NIGHT TWO CRAZIES" ON XBOX 360)

Mild Language
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