
Comments (16)

What do you think?

You know what I just love seeing? People using other people's art and thumbnails because they can't be bothered to make their own. I love the lack of any actual graphics or effort as well, that really fills my heart with joy.

Okay, sarcasm aside, I get it. You're a kid you gave this a great try and I enjoyed my time playing it. I just ask you as an artist, please credit others when you use their work. It's respectful.


  • Exotic Butters

i havent played it myself but it looks quite interesting!

Keep it up, from an Ex brony :)

Sorry, i accidentally removed the game. let's try this again!

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Just a (not so) quick shoutout

FFR is about 33% done.

I have the models finished, Now all I need to do is make the map, and code the game.

Shoutout to FFR!

Fazbear’s Fright: Reborn has been Remade, And the models are finally done (at least, two of them are.)

Disaster has struck.