
Comments (4)

What do you think?

This is really cool

Just a headsup friend, there is already a ideo game called we need to go deeper, just a heads up, in case people confuse your game and that one.

About the Game:

You will take in hand the fate of the mercenary. Former Leader of the Black Vultures was taken as prisoner, after years of torture and experiments it heard a calling from the darkness promising freedom. Escape your formal captors alone, recover you might and formal glory, make new allies and enemies alike, take your stand against beast, humanoids and even fiend as you journey through the remains of the old world and explore the ancient secret that are covering whole Armangus.

As a player, you will be able to create your main character and up to 3 additional companions. You will be also able gather other companions along the way be it a merchant to escort a mercenary, slave, pet or even an undead minions. During your journey you will encounter many threats not only from savage beast or bandits coming after your coins but also in form of hunger, wounds and disease. Your party will react differently to the world you explore, some of them will adore it beauty other will see it in carnage and flames and the weakest of them will fail do to the blade, fatigue or lost there minds of the fields of insanity. You will have ability to learn new skills be it a art of crafting or gathering, mastering chosen combat style or devastating spells that will bring havoc upon your foes. Explore your relationship with different factions and see how your choices will affect them. Some of them will support your case others will set the bounty for your head. Buy, steal or create new equipment and prepare for terror waiting outside the walls of settlement.


The game can be controversial in places. If you are sensitive, underage or you don't like concepts like brutality, alcohol, drugs, cannibalism, slavery etc. This may not be a game for you, please consider that before continue.

About upcoming Demo:

In the demo version of the game you will experience separate self contained story see trough eyes of Crusader from Order of the New Dawn, one of the Major Factions in the Armangus. In this version you will be able to create your own character, choose it race, class, backstory and even personality type! Follow the trail of Legendary Warrior to the village Hawkeay. Explore the surrounding ruins and forest or even a old mine. Influence the fate of the Village and take a stand against army of the Blackfang fighting under the banner of a cursed Nerubiah.

Additional Information:

Forbidden Chronicles Aftermath is Project being develop by one person!
So it will take some time before it is fully finished. As most of the resources need to be created from complete zero. The game is being created using RPG Maker Vx Ace it base resources and some additional scripts.

#rpg #darkfantasy

Fantasy Violence
Crass Humor
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