
Comments (12)

What do you think?

This game has a interesting concept that I never seen done In Undertale before. I see great potential and a bright future for this game. If you ever complete this project/game I be sure to review this game in its entirety. Again the game shows a lot of promise. Also don't ever give up and stay determined. The demo of the game is not bad just wished there was more character interactions, but I shouldn't expect much since it still in it early stages of development. But good luck on this game of yours. As for the demo gets 3.5/5.
Expect that to change when the full game come out in the future.

This game is so AWESOME! I hope to see next chapter as soon as possible ^^ ( Love art style in this game btw <3 )

So this was very nice and I enjoyed it a lot, hope to see more coming soon. The art is very nice and a lot of choices and dialogs made smile and/or laugh. The game gave me an error at the very end though, with Papyrus's "romance" route. Don't know if it's the game's bug or just my computer, but I decided to write about this. This was a very nice demo and I, once again, am hoping to see more in the future. Good luck and thank you for your hard work.

i just love this! X3 i hope more will be available when its finished! XP i do so enjoy the art style and mechanics of this! XD

The game is pretty fantastic so far, and I can't wait until Chapter 5.

My one criticism is the lack of music for long stretches of time, but that's a nitpick.

In FLIRTINGTALE, this is a visual novel game wherein you, the player, control a human student as they navigate through their first day at a new private school for the residents of the UNDERGROUND. The school only allows the most special of individuals to enter its hallowed halls, so it's a little odd for a normal HUMAN to be transferring in out of the blue.

The human student interacts with other people at the school in their quest to build themselves a niche in their new environment, with the player making decisions which will affect the outcome of the game.

Which path shall you choose?

[Disclaimer: The original concept of Undertale belongs to Toby Fox.]

Person in Charge of the Coding & Art: Kei Pham aka Crisis aka Apple

Public FLIRTINGTALE Discord Server:

#undertale #fangame

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Suggestive Themes
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans

Merci pour votre gentillesse, @Eagletale.

Voici un petit cadeau basé sur le live. <3

A sneak peak of what to expect in the next chapter.

Finally. Also please leave any comments or report any bugs and such here if you find any! Have fun guys!!!

Boy the underground sure can be an interesting place...

In less silly news: I am aiming to have chapter 3's done for my birthday weekend (Sunday 16 at the latest) since doing it for my birthday is impossible (it's the 13th). If my health stays good it should be in time for people to play this weekend!

Someone asked me about my designing process for everyone's fave bone bros.
This is basically how it went.
Me with Sans: kpop idol
Me with Papyrus: ......
Me with Papyrus: .........
Me with Papyrus: ..............
Me with Papyrus: .........lesser kpop idol

Now that the issues of Chapter 2 have been solved (hopefully), I can finally start on the coding for Chapter 3!

If this scene still does not pop up for you, my only advice is DELETE ALL THE files, redownload the game and replay it. Might be worth it...for a better ending. ;)

Just a sneak peak of a scene to come in the next chapter! #flirtingtale #undertale #visualnovel

So here's a bit of update on life:
1. No progress in 3 months due to health. Short story is: heart failure.
2. My desktop died with the files. Had backups, but had to redo things.
Life is hard, but I am determined to finish! Thanks for your support!