
Comments (9)

What do you think?



If I didn't know any better, I'd figure you deleted my previous comment with my feedback as I MOST DEFINITELY posted it.

So here my main thoughts are back, once more :

If you DID delete it, I suppose it's because of my additional thoughts which basically said there are a few too little bells and whistles which make the game feel a bit cheap, as well as absolutely 0 cutscenes/story telling, so no character interactions either.

It's just play as Enragement Child, get your party without any issues, and stomp on every boss and camera by using OP equipment and Balloon Smash + Propeller Piercer.

Sure I guess I could have worded it a bit more nicely initially but if you actually DID remove my comment because of that, well no need to say what that implies, now do I?

Overall even for "just a demo", it's very "meh", even accounting for this being your first fangame.


(this game is very buggy play the remake

90's bb wants to become a god in the 80s and to do so he has to shit on all the cameras and toy animatronics and chica


time traveling in other timelines

meet other bb's from other timelines

kill chica

and many other things

!!! this game got remade !!! play this instead

#rpg #fnafb #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Crass Humor

released a new patch who fixes some bugs in the q scenario now there shouldnt be any but let me know if there are any in the comments

(if you have any suggestions for a w scenario or the q scenario or normal game comment and ill reply when i can)

released a patch containing the fixed q scenario

( D O W N L O A D I T N O W )

i released the alpha version

there is the q scenario but its bugged and im fixing and ill release in the beta (maybe in some days i release the beta with q scenario fixed and some bosses idk) if you have any ideas or there are any bugs comment below bye

ill make mangle the boss in 90's timeline instead of golden freddy who is the almost final boss

i updated the (almost) final boss golden freddy

if u have any questions or suggestions comment below and ill reply when i can

new update

im making a q scenario

i added health bars from fnafb 3 into the game

i created some actors

i fixed some bugs


do you think its better a boss battle in fnafb1 timeline (in the office) with mangle or golden freddy

vote using the poll

  3 votes Voting finished

new update

i fixed some bugs again


the game is a big expasion of the q scenario of fnafb 2 with 2 allies phantom bb and 80's bb and the maps of fnafb 1 fnafb 2 and fnafb 3 with their window skins

if you have any suggestion for some bosses coment

new update

i added new window skin for any timeline

and i fixed minor bugs

new update

i added paper pal bb as a boss (he has 12000 hp) with phantom puppet in fnafb 3 map

if you have any suggestions comment below

215 views thank you but

the demo will release more soon and it will be almost full game but it could lack the q scenario