Game Community
Trashcats Cult
12 Members

Comments (190)

What do you think?

a amazing game

is t safe?

dam 6 months and no godam update?


Can You Enter Full Screen I Have Been Trying For a Little Bit and i Don't Know How To

Game Soundtrack

1 song

Title Screen Music: FFPS Title Screen Music

Eng: Alright! 0.0.3 is done! You can expect it to be released today!

Ger: Alles klar! 0.0.3 ist fertig! Ihr könnt erwarten, dass es heute veröffentlicht wird!

Eng: (Read Article)

Ger: (Artikel Lesen)

Eng: I have moved 0.0.3 to tomorrow since i have more time to finish some things then

Ger: Ich habe 0.0.3 auf morgen verschoben da ich dann mehr Zeit, um ein paar dinge fertig zu machen

Eng: 0.0.3 is right around the corner! You might already get it tomorrow!

Ger: 0.0.3 ist gleich um die ecke! Ihr werdet es möglicher weise schon morgen bekommen!

Eng: If you havent joined our Discord yet, you can join here!

Ger: Wenn du unserem Discord Noch nicht beigetreten bist dann kannst du hier beitreten!

(Eng: Read Article)

(Ger: Artikel Lesen)

German Translation for Main Menu Done

heres how it will look with language settings (the purple border is on the selected language)

my poor attempt at drawing english flag

Should i add translations to the game? (all languages except for german will probaply be crap since i only know german and english and we dont talk about my french)

(Also if i do this ill try to translate all devlogs to german & other included languages)

  4 votes Voting finished