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"I think it's time for the big sister to take the stage."

- PortelsPortal/LadyCorthon, Feb. 3 2021 (unsuspecting)

(Also check out the Koyleefriend skinmod that was originally made for VS Koylee's now cancelled expansion!)


One year ago, on February 3rd, 2021, I had decided to announce my official entrance into the Friday Night Funkin' community by attempting to draw one of my OCs in the FNF style.

A year passed, and here I am now. So, in favor of showcasing how much I've grown since then, I've decided to remake this little doodle into a full-on custom week, intended to imitate the early weeks of FNF to bring a nostalgic experience to the player.


  • One week, three songs (plus an extra bonus song if we're talking about the 1.5 build). Nothing too special.

  • Re-experience the early days of FNF once more within this short mod.


Q: How do I play this mod, again? I'm confused.

A (2021): Drag the folder inside the .zip file (VS. Koylee, NOT lefinalkoylee) inside the mods folder in your Psych Engine copy. Then, check the Mods section in your Psych build.

A (1.5): Click the "Download" button. Duh.

Q: Who's Koylee?

A: One of my OCs. I'm hoping to use her (as well as some of her relatives) in a project of mine sometime in the future.

Q: When will I be able to see this aforementioned project?

A: It ranges between "not for a long while" and "not at all". The project is fairly large in terms of content and what I imagine it to be - I plan to build up to it with other smaller projects (such as this mod) to gather experience on not only making and directing a team (just in case things end up going that way), but also working on legitimate projects in general as opposed to just the casual art piece. When those smaller projects are done and over with, I'll have enough knowledge on what directing a team is like & I'll be able to move forward and get to work. As long as nothing gets screwed up during the process, it should be a mostly smooth trip.

Q: Is there anything about the project that you can reveal already?

A: You'll be able to find more information if you know where to look.

Q: What's with the (2021) in the title?

A: Alright, here's a confession: The Koylee design you see in this mod is outdated and has changed since then. I would've used the present design for the sake of consistency, however I wanted to use the old design as the mod was made for it.

The design still remains in the workshop to this day, changing & warping into something more finalized - as of right now I haven't found something concrete yet, but I'm confident in saying that I'm closer to the finish line than I am the starting line!

Q: Any lore behind the week that's not mentioned in the mod itself?

A: Koylee begins to get stage fright while on-stage, so Boyfriend decides to be nice for once and tries to help her overcome it. It's a simple premise.

Q: The menu theme doesn't loop! (1.5)

A: Not a question, but I'm dreadfully sorry about it nonetheless. I wasn't able to find a version of the menu theme that properly looped.

Q: Will there be any updates to this mod in the coming future?

A: Not anytime soon, unfortunately. An expansion was planned in the hopes that the mod would get attention from it when it released, but it ended up getting canned & turned into the 1.5 build. :(


#fnf #mod

Suggestive Themes
Mild Language
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