
Comments (49)

What do you think?

Mostrei seu excelente game no meu vídeo sobre a GBJAM :)

I must suggest you use the word "hypothermia" instead of "coldness", it will look so much better in my eyes...

In the future, I want to work with the MSF... Perhaps even in Gaza... unless peace is achieved before, but today that seems unlikely to happen anytime soon.

I appreciate your efforts to incorporate a serious issue in a game, I was going to add some political commentary to my game myself, (the one you played, thanks for the play) something like "But zionists are the real thieves", but I ran out of time.

Really appreciate the level of polish on this game and how you were able to tastefully handle such a heavy situation. Unfortunately, it lagged terribly. :( Regardless, the effort shows through. Excellent work!

Parabéns pelo game! Muito bom e com uma mensagem bem inteligente por trás.

Voted! :3

A family trying to survive under an attack in Gaza**strip**. #gbjam3

Survive hunger and cold. Escape the bombing, house collapsing and the soldiers bullets. Discover the stories of Gaza Strip survivors.

ARROWS - Move Character
Z - Change Character
HOLD Z - Move all Characters
X - Action

Game by **@Rodrigo_Motta @tiagoair @Matheuz_Fernan

If you're doing the jam, please vote at: **

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
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