
Comments (3)

What do you think?

please can i have download I want to play this so bad please <333

can i pls have download

i wanna see gen 5 man preg

This is a little game I'm making that's like those classic "Pokemon-Amie but with humans" fanarts. This one's tame though. Warning, it contains male pregnancy.

#fangame #chill #pokemonamie #pregnancy #sfw

Love my game? Found a bug? Tell me! I love feedback and I'm always looking to improve my games!

Suggestive Themes

Exciting news! The demo is almost ready! Just give me a moment to convert it and it'll be out soon.

It’s Father’s Day!

I’m home, so development is resumed. I aim to have the playable demo out before July 1st.

Development will be paused for a few days while I’m out of town. I will have a demo out by the end of the month with a few tools. The full version will have all tools along with music and sound. In the meantime enjoy this preview of the hand/belly rub.

Welcome to the Ghetsis-Amie devblog. I appreciate your taking time to have a look at this game. Unless you are just here to hate/say this is cringe in which case you should just go. Anyway I have a few previews complete and I am almost ready to show them.