
Comments (68)

What do you think?

Excellent way to kill my determination, 10/10 would rage again, also made a video of it:
Video here


Wow, this actually suprised me. 4/5

Damn you! You broken my fingers >:( Nice game, very good physics. Completed in 100:00:00 and something <.< It was a really hard challange. 5/5

is the game dead

Very nice platformer. I love everything of it.
Why don't you guys keep it still on Gamejolt? It'd be cool to play with achievements and leaderboards

Game Soundtrack

1 song

Too Much Sugar

MAY 2021 EDIT: I'm never gonna finish this (switched GM versions, then lost interest), so the original version is back up.

FEBRUARY 2017 EDIT: As the development progresses, I have decided to take down the original jam version of the game, as it no longer represents its current quality. If you wish to download it, you can do so HERE!

A short, super-hard fast-paced platformer with a cute nameless protagonist who has a tendency to blow up.

Pace yourself to win.

  • Device | Moving around | Jumping | Power mode

  • Gamepad | D-Pad / Left analog stick | A | Right/Left shoulder button / X

  • Keyboard | Arrow keys | X | Y/Z

Note: The game saves your progess, so feel free to take a break!
Also, this game is quite colourful and stuff flashes in it from time to time, so if you're not into that, I'd recommend not playing it!

Originally made in 48 hours for the gm(48) #19 game jam, this version is a teeny bit better.

There's still more to come!

Nothing has been posted to this project page yet. Check back later!