
Comments (11)

What do you think?

Hey so related to your fangame I just wanna let you know that toggle is spelt wrong. In-game it is spelt as toogle rather then as toggle. Just thought to let you know :)

Pretty nice for a start! Plenty of notes though.

Your grammar seems to be way off at times, Freddy doesn't move, there is no power usage, time system, or anything functional. There isn't even a phone guy! As a base however, it's pretty good! I especially like the office and cameras. I was genuinely creeped out by the enviroment, more-so than most FNAF titles. It's very eerie.

In fact, i'd be fully willing to finish developement for you, if you would like help!

the game is good,i like it,but,the game is missing one thing: the tutorial or guides,without them you barely can udertsand anything,but the game is good for the start,keep going in that direction! (but seriously add tips or idk,at least explain controls,i uderstanded how to manage doors only after pressing every boutton on my keyboard)

i know that this game based on a "challenge" but hey,would be nice to know hot to use anything (i know im talking too much about controls)

Oi, sou irmã do Daniel, libera custom night


Golden Custom Night is a very big FNaF-fangame, where you can experience PURE Chaos.

This project's demo is finally out but I will keep updating it!

I can't promise a daily dev-log but I will give the important stuff for you guys!

The game will be a somewhat collab with other 100 FNaF-fangames! for example:

  • Jolly


  • The Joy of Creation

  • Golden Past ( 1 - 2 )


The game will contain awsome futures like:

  • Large office area

  • Big camera system

  • Maintnence panel

  • A lot of animatronics

  • Level up system

  • Special items, devices, boosters

  • loot crate system

and so much more!

#fnaf #fangame #pointnclick #action #fnaf #fnaf

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence

Toy Freddy slams to the game!