Game Community
The Kay And Cole Comunity
5 Members

Comments (13)

What do you think?

this is for you

Can you send me the beta? I want to play it

Game Soundtrack

2 songs

Menu Song

Year 1991, your name is John Parker and you are looking for a job to buy a house, after searching in several places you are finally hired at a place called Kay And Cole Family Restaurant, it is a place that is being remodeled to open again after several accidents that have occurred. Your job is to guard the place from 12:00 AM to 6:00 AM but what you don't know is what the robots and the company are hiding behind it. Will you survive?


Created By: @DeXsBread

Proggramed By: @DeXsBread

Voice Acting: @Sim_Naum - Phone Guy

FNAF By: @realscawthon

#fnaf #fnaf #fnaf

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed

I Finished The Models!

Well... Someone told to search scratch proggramers anyone?

I Need Voice Actors For The Game, Roles:

- Kay

- Cole

- Recording Test Guy

- C.E.O

In today's Changelog

- I FInished the map

- I re-worked the menu

Kay And Cole: Chapter 1 Is a restart from my scratch game series

Welcome To KAC Page Idk what to say
