
Comments (2)

What do you think?

Looks interesting. You gained a follower. Impress me =]

Someone has hacked the database. There isn't much time left so you must take it upon yourself to enter the mainframe and save the world!

Mainframe blaster is a retro styled platformer inspired by Atari 2600 graphics, and Mega Man. The game isnt that long, but i didnt make it with the intention of it being a long game. Just wanted to have some fun making a game. Hope you like it! :)

Fun Facts!!

  • This game took me about 3 weeks to create.

  • The character was created months before the idea of what the final game would become.

  • Creating music is hard.

  • The original name for this game was just Blastr, but turns out that name was already taken as a business company name so i renamed it into Mainframe Blaster.

  • This game only uses 5 colours! WOW!

Mild Cartoon Violence
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