
Comments (47)

What do you think?

hey i would be willing to help with the story. Because this game is really good but the english sucks

Fuerte el muy kbron


A M A Z I N G, D U D E

Dusttrust - UF!MemeSans
Sans Sprite - Samuel25253
Papyrus Sprite - Samuel25253
Music - Dusttrust Team


5, 4, 3, 5,5 will be auto battles (3 phase idk how make two enemies or three)

About English, I'm Korean :/

Corridor, menu, ow sprites, waiting.

Game not canceled, again new sprites, this time from melo.

Maybe new sprites?

Making last corridor menu, phase 4.

(Phase 4 not will be in game after phase 3)
(Now im making phase 2)
So wanna say one thing...
Im already have all sprites
For last corridor, after make him,
will do menu. That's all for me wait for news. Bye.

Phase 1 : 100%

Phase 2 : 5%

Phase 3 : 7%

Phase 4 : 23%

Phase 5 : 0%

New ver. of DustTrust
- Fixed some bugs
- New 4, 5 attacks
- New Items in Backpack
- Didn't make corridor sorry ;C (and menu too)
- One Secret In DEMO END.

Next what i want its fix all bugs what in demo, after out some screens of 2.5 and 3 phases.

Demo is ready! Go check it out!