
Comments (12)

What do you think?

Needs more cowbell.
4/5 Would ping-pong again.

So what do you think of the new Online Pong?
What do you want to be added?

Sorry i know that is not your fault but i must say: RIDICULOUS SIZE !!!

25 megabytes for pong !!! :D

Game maker is lame even in comparison to other game making tools. Slow as turtle and executables are huge. Why would anyone play this when they can download same pong games in 64-250 KB not 25 MB ?

Quickplay is not working for me...

online deosnt work :(

Welcome to Online Pong!

Play with your friends online, LAN or Multiplayer! (If you are using multiplayer, dont forget to foward port TCP 6730 if you are host)


  • Multiplayer! Play online, or LAN.

  • Player VS CPU: Play VS with a CPU and see if you are better than an AI.

  • Pretty Simple! We try to edit the game to be more fun, but also to remember how all the classic gamers like some features of the old one.

  • Gamemodes! Choose one of three gamemodes. Arcade mode adds visual appeal, Classic mode is the default experience of pong, and Hardcore mode adds more challenge!

Known bugs:(post any if you find any!)

  • None yet!

What is yet to be added:

  • Lobby support (No IP needed to connect but may take a while to program because I dont like master servers)

Stay tuned for more updates!



Online Pong Redone!

Pong V3.5! Mini features!

Pong V3.0! Memory fix!

PONG V2.5! (Splitscreen!)

In this minor update, I would like to showoff…


The update is very minor but just incase playing with a cpu gets boring!

Anyway, not TOO much has been added, but what has, is minor fixes n stuff

Have fun!

PONG V2.0!




V1 Created the game!